Classification of living things

Arrangement/classification implies sifting through things into groups based on similitudes and contrasts among them. Figure 1.1 shows three groups of items. In each group, things are assembled based on certain similitudes among them. For instance, all the things of group (an) are made of metals. The things of group (b) are books and those of group (c) are organic products.

Classification of Living Things

“Grouping of living organisms based on similitudes and contrasts in their attributes is called characterization of living things”

There are many living organisms in our world. Scientists have collected them on likenesses in their attributes.

Arrangement of living things is basic for making their examination simpler. During order, scientists look at the qualities of a new life form and locate its appropriate group. They likewise propose name for the life form for its distinguishing proof.


    “The bodies of all the living things are comprised of exceptionally little units called cells”

Unicellular Organisms

       “The organisms whose bodies comprise of single cell are called unicellular organisms”

Multicellular Organisms

        “The organisms whose bodies are comprised of more than one cells are called multicellular”

 The Five Kingdom System of Classification


Presently a-days, Scientists characterize living things into five fundamental groups called kingdoms.

These realms or kingdoms are named as

·         monera,

·         protista,

·         parasites,

·         animalia

·         and plantae.

Instances of living things that have a place with these realms or kingdoms are to shreds:


Kingdom              Example


Monera                 Bacteria


Protista                 Algae


Growths               Yeast, mushrooms, and so on.


Animalia                Animals


Plantae                  Plants


Bacteria are unicellular organisms. They are found wherever on the Earth. A few bacteria  can make their food yet others live in and get food from the bodies of different organisms or dead bodies. Most bacteria cause infections in animals and plants.


Algae are unicellular, small town and multicellular organisms. They are found in lakes, lakes, ocean, and so forth. They have chlorophyll and make their own food by photosynthesis.Chlamydomonas, Voivox and Spirogyra are the instances of algae.


Parasites are found as unicellular, multicellular or filamentous structures. All organisms need chlorophyll and can't set up their own food. They retain food from their environmental factors. Yeasts, Rhizopus and Mushrooms, and so forth., are think of for realm Fungi. Yeasts are minuscule growths. Rhizopus (dark bread shape) develop on damp bread and organic products. Mushrooms (umbrella like parasites) show up on dumps of flotsam and jetsam and loads of waste.


Animals are a significant group of multicellular organisms. They can't set up their own food. They rely upon plants and different animals for their food.


Plants are photosynthetic, multicellular organisms. We will find out about their further classification.

Classification and Characteristics of Animals

 Animals are characterized into two primary groups, i.e., vertebrates and invertebrates (spineless creatures).


Vertebrates are animals which have a spine.

Practical Performance , DYS


• Feel the rear of your body with your fingers. ■ Do you have a spine?

 So are you a vertebrate or an invertebrate?  

 There are around 47,000 various types of vertebrates on the Earth. Vertebrates are additionally separated into five classes (groups), i.e., fishes, creatures of land and water, reptiles, birds (winged creatures) and mammals (warm blooded animals).


 Individuals, cows, goats, ponies, tigers, felines, hares, and so forth, have a place with a group of vertebrates called warm blooded creatures. Warm blooded animals have hair or hide on their bodies. Children of the warm blooded animals are benefited from the mother's milk. The youthful ones in warm blooded animals for the most part create inside the mother's body.

 For Your Information

 •             The amount of hair or hide on the bodies of warm blooded animals relies on the atmosphere of their condition. Polar bear lives in freezing atmosphere; thus, it has a thick layer of hide. Elephant lives in hot atmosphere, so it needn't bother with a thick covering of hair or hide.

 •             Whale and dolphin are vertebrates. Blue whale is the world's biggest creature. It is around 35 meters in length and almost 120 tons in weight. Indus daze dolphin or 'susu' is a stream dolphin of Pakistan not discovered anyplace else on the planet.

 •             Human, monkey, gorilla and chimpanzee are wise warm blooded animals. They have exceptionally fashioned mind. Bat is a flying warm blooded animal.

 Birds (Feathered creatures )

Sparrows, crows, parrots, birds, robins, hens and pigeons, and so forth., have a place with the group of vertebrates called fowls (Figure 1.7). Flying creatures have quills, wings and bills. They have empty bones and air sacs, which make their bodies exceptionally light Some winged creatures like kiwi and ostrich can't fly and are known as running feathered creatures. Feathered creatures lay eggs with shells. Eggs bring forth into infant feathered creatures.

·         Owl is a flying creature with large eyes.

·         Kiwi and ostrich are running feathered creatures.

·         Duck is a swimming feathered creature.

·          Penguin is a winged animal that lives on ice.

·         Woodpecker is a flying creature that makes gaps in trees.

·         Hummingbird is the littlest winged animal on the planet.

·         Hawk lives in tall trees or on bluffs. It frequently assembles home close to lake or waterway, with the goal that it can jump down to get fish for its food.

·          Falcon is a fledgling of prey.

                                          Practical Performance (DYS)

  • Make a rundown of flying creatures that you find in your environmental factors.

• Examine their noses.

• Why different birds have beaks of different shapes? 


lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodiles, alligators, and so forth., have a place with a group of vertebrates called reptiles. Reptiles have dry, thick and layered skin which covers and ensures their bodies. They duplicate by laying eggs ashore. Their eggs have thick weathered shells which keep them from getting dry. Most reptiles have four limbs yet snakes lack limbs.

Amphibians (Creatures of land and water)

toad, frog, salamander and so on., have a place with a group of vertebrates called creatures of land and water. They have four limbs. Creatures of land and water can live in water just as ashore. They inhale through lungs or skin. They for the most part have free and wet skin. A large portion of them go through their grown-up time on earth ashore and come back to water to lay eggs. Land and water eggs look like globules in gel. These are soft and don't have hard shells.


There are more than 25,000 various types of fishes discovered everywhere throughout the world. They live in water. They have smoothed out bodies appropriate to swim quickly in water.

Fishes have fins and tail which cause them to swim. They have solid scales on their skin for security. They have gills for breathe in water. The vast majority of the fishes imitate by laying eggs.


Animals which don't have spine are called invertebrates (spineless creatures). There are various types of spineless creatures found on the Earth. Creepy crawlies, snails, starfish and worms are the instances of spineless creatures.

Insects ( Creepy crawlies )

Creepy crawlies are notable spineless creatures with jointed legs. They have portioned bodies. Subterranean insect, butterfly, honey bee, cockroach, and so on., are the instances of Insects creepy crawlies Each creepy crawly has three pieces of its body: head, chest and mid-region. Bugs have six legs (three sets). They have hard skeleton outwardly of their body. External skeleton offers help to their bodies.


Worms are spineless creatures with delicate bodies having no limbs. The greater part of them have stretched, snake-like bodies.

Night crawler and tapeworm are the worms whose bodies are partitioned into numerous fragments . Flatworm and roundworm are the worms without portioned bodies.


Starfish and ocean anemone are the instances of marine spineless creatures.

 Classification and Characteristics of Plants

 Plants are predominantly delegated flowering plants and non-flowering plants.

 Flowering Plants

 The plants that bear blossoms are called flowering plants .Blossoms are their conceptive organs. The leaves in their blossoms are called botanical leaves. The external green hued botanical leaves of a bloom are called sepals. Inside the sepals, there are beautiful leaves which are called petals. Flowering plants make seeds in their organic products.

(i) Monocot Plants

Flowering plants whose seeds have just a single cotyledon are called monocot plants. Models are oat, wheat, rice, and so on. Their leaves have veins which run corresponding to one another. Flower leaves are typically three or products of three.

(ii)  Dicot Plants

Flowering plants like rose, pea, bean, and so forth., have two cotyledons in their seeds. They are called dicot plants. Their leaf veins are as a system. Flower leaves are normally four or five or their multiple.

iii)Non-Flowering Plants

The plants which don't bear blossoms are called non-flowering plants. Conifers, greeneries, greeneries and liverworts, and so forth., are the instances of non-flowering plants Conifers have needle-like leaves. They imitate by seeds formed in their cones. Leaves of ferns are partitioned into leaflets. Mosses(Greeneries) duplicate by spores formed on the underside of their leaves. Mosses (greeneries) and liverworts have straightforward stem and little leaves. They replicate by spores formed in their containers.

Do You Know?

There is a youthful plant in each seed of flowering plants called embryo (undeveloped organism). Embryo (undeveloped organism) bears a couple of seed leaves called cotyledons. Cotyledons frequently store food which is utilized by the youthful embryo. Seeds of grasses have just a single cotyledon.

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